April 23, 2022

When it comes to feeling overwhelmed, it usually is the case that we have a significant stressor that is “too much” to deal with, or it is the case that everything is happening all at once. As women, we are all too familiar that we don’t just feel overwhelmed in the throes— it can often actually happen most days. Accompanying all challenges, we’ve grown into the habit of immediately wondering: “How? How can I do this?”. We invite you instead to not ask, but to say the following: “I can do this because [list 10 strengths].” Because Friend, you can do this.
Whichever stage of life we are living in, we must look at our own strengths as resources and remind ourselves that we are capable of using them to build a resilient life. Here are steps you can take to reflect on what is the root of your overwhelm. We highly encourage you to do this in a calm and safe space to reflect and write it out.
1) Acknowledgement of the Present Moment

Braindump all the situations that are causing you to feel overwhelmed into a journal or on a piece of notepaper. Acknowledge and honor what you feel and think in the present moment. Don’t judge them, and allow yourself to see that journal page or piece of notepaper as a safe space to list all the sources of your overwhelm.
2) Identify your Strengths

On another blank sheet of paper, list 10 ways you’ve acted according to your values, gifts, and talents. Once you’ve identified your values, gifts, and strengths, use this to create 10 affirmations when approaching a challenging and overwhelming situation: “I can do this because I am [insert strength here].”
3) Create Strength-Based Actions

We win when we have options. List out four ways you can utilize each strength to approach your most overwhelming situations. For example, say your strength is empathy. Ask yourself, “What are my most overwhelming situations?” and, once you’ve figured that out, ask “How can I approach these overwhelming situations with compassion and empathy – for myself, for others?” Realizing how you can use your unique gifts and talents in the most seemingly overwhelming challenges is such a #powermove!
4) Internalize
Did you know that there are 8 levels of Learning? The Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels show us that the beginning of learning anything is to first start engaging in memory practices. Depending on the type of learner you are (e.g. Visual, Auditory, Verbal, Kinesthetic, Writing etc.) memorize the different approaches you’ve identified in Step #3. It may be helpful to set times during each day and say these to yourself repeatedly as part of your daily routine.
5) Reorder your priorities

You may still have a list of all the things you think and feel you need to do, and that is OK. But we invite you to re-read your responses to Steps #1-#5 once again. After doing this, do you notice any changes in your sense of priorities once you’ve changed your mindset about yourself. Do you no longer feel that you do not need to do X,Y, and Z? or even have a different mindset towards A, B, and C? Friend, we don’t need to do it all, we can only do what we can – Today. And… That. Is. Enough! Once you’ve established the prioritization of your tasks, make sure to include a moment of self-care daily.
6) Create a routine rather than a schedule

Routines can sometimes feel mundane, but there are several reasons why we love them. For starters, routines relieve so much stress and anxiety about figuring out what we have to do next. Second, it can be used to optimize building new healthy habits. Third, you can jumpstart your current wellness goals during this season.
7) Accountability
Being on our way to finding the rhythm toward balance is one of the most challenging feats to do. It’s incredibly helpful to have a support system along the way. If you want further guidance on how to manage the overwhelm in your life – know that you are not alone. Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with us today and see how we can help accompany and guide you through whichever season of life you find yourself in.
Please Note: The information provided on or through this website or blog is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. Engaging with this material does not constitute a client/therapist relationship*